So I liked this manga better than death notes. I think that's because in death note, I think the main character, is already starting to take things to far I also want to find out what's going to happen next after the ending of this manga, while I can wait a little bit longer to see what happens nex...
4 starsNot sure why I like this violent series. Prisoners are forced to compete in battles and deadly games for a paying audience, but the viewers don't realize that the resulting deaths are real. Ganta, a high school boy, is wrongly convicted of murdering his entire class. While he seems helples...
Completed Series Rating⭐️? stars⭐️
This series reminds me a lot of manga like Descendants of Darkness, where we are introduced to two partners, one plays the more serious, care-taker role, while the other is the weird, anti-social genius type. Like Sherlock Holmes and Watson. So here we have these two characters whose job it is ...
So, I think I might have run out my interest in this series. I feel a little guilty. In this volume, things have moved on but the central problem still remains - the Wretched Egg, the being whose power got the whole thing started, is still there, still a danger, and the powers that be want to take...