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Joan Didion - Community Reviews back

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Ceilidh-Tripping the write fantastic
So, I've been off BL for a long, long time. A lot has happened, I got pregnant and had a daughter. My mom got sick and passed away. I had to clear out and sell my childhood home and all the contents while trying to balance all of that and my full time job. It's been...something. For a while, not l...
EpicFehlReader rated it 6 years ago
Several days before Christmas 2003, John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion saw their only daughter, Quintana, fall ill with what seemed at first flu, then pneumonia, then complete septic shock. She was put into an induced coma and placed on life support. Days later–the night before New Year's Eve–the Du...
philoSophie rated it 7 years ago
Η Joan Didion με δεινή πένα και υπηρετώντας το ιδανικό του "See enough and write it down" καταγράφει το σημείο που τέμνεται ο περιβάλλων χώρος και το ανθρώπινο μυαλό και περιγράφει με ζωντάνια και με σαφή αντίληψη της βαρύτητας της περιρρέουσας ατμόσφαιρας την Καλιφόρνια και τη Νέα Υόρκη, μεταξύ άλλ...
JeffreyKeeten rated it 9 years ago
“There was silence. Something real was happening: this was, as it were, her life. If she could keep that in mind she would be able to play it through, do the right thing, whatever that meant.”Whenever Maria called, it was as if the ringing of the phone heralded the end of any conviviality I might ha...
pedestrienne rated it 9 years ago
my enjoyment of this depended on how much I agreed with whatever joan didion was writing about, with a boost from my love of the excellent cover design. These are personal essays, so they don't really attempt a balanced opinion, more like the conversation of a smart friend who doesn't let you talk a...
pedestrienne rated it 9 years ago
my enjoyment of this depended on how much I agreed with whatever joan didion was writing about, with a boost from my love of the excellent cover design. These are personal essays, so they don't really attempt a balanced opinion, more like the conversation of a smart friend who doesn't let you talk a...
Bloodorange rated it 9 years ago
At thirty three or four, Didion of Slouching Towards Bethlehem is still a girl. I recognize the signs. (Some people capable of voicing their thoughts on subjects such as "Self-Respect" and "Morality" are born middle-aged; others, possibly due to their specific upbringing, remain questioning, uncerta...
Bloodorange rated it 10 years ago
My first Didion, which I gave a four-star rating - partly out of fear (and I've read it trying to deal with fear, hopefully irrational), partly because of Didion's intellectual jet-setter attitude (but this book is, among others, a parting letter to the life she led with her late husband, and it cou...
Momster Bookworm
Momster Bookworm rated it 10 years ago
[Non-fiction] This book was mentioned in Will Schwalbe's 'The End of Your Life Book Club' and it is also about loss -- about life in the face of the loss of a significant other. A poignantly honest and raw account of a hurting heart laid bare. The author's husband collapses suddenly and dies from he...
Words, Words, Words
Words, Words, Words rated it 10 years ago
I feel uneasy about reviewing Joan Didion's Slouching Towards Bethlehem. That it is, the idea of writing an essay about a collection of essays combines with something in her voice that makes me very aware that I am creating a sort of Russian nesting doll of commentary, but I will attempt it all the ...
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