Title: A Bride's AgreementAuthors: Elaine Bonner, Ramona K. Cecil, Nancy, Farrier, JoAnn A. Grote & DiAnn MillsPublisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc.Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: FiveReview:"A Bride's Agreement" By: Five Authors....Elaine Bonner, Ramona K. Cecil, Nancy . Farrier, JoAnn A. Grote & Di...
I have read the another book the authors have out called A Texas Brides Collection: 9 Romances from the Old West. The book was actually pretty good. So when I was able to receive The Farmer's Bride Collection from NetGalley I was happy to start reading. I have to admit I got stuck with the first ...
Joie De Vivre © 2006 by Lynette Sowell1819 LouisianaEdouard LeBlanc is a scarred faced hero with a bad leg who lives the live of a hermit in his family’s land. Josee Broussard is an orphan taking in and raised by Edouard’s family. LeBlanc senior arranges their marriage.Lately, I have been a big fan ...
One of my favorite things about reading anthologies is that I get introduced to new authors that I wouldn't have found before. The authors in this anthology were given a writing prompt and the entire collection is based on these words: "I never thought I'd see you again." What kept it interesting ...