A very cute story sure to bring a smile to your face. The characters are very caring and loving. It is a simple book, but a heart warming one. At the end, there is even a tutorial on how to make your own rabbit puppet out of a paper bag. Nice read.For more reviews, check out my blog Craft-Cycle
It was a lovely funeral for Fluffy, the best pet I ever had. - Opening sentence Avoid spoiling your pet with too many treats; however, spoiling yourself is all well and good. - Chapter 4 Be firm with your pet and make it clear what is acceptable behavior. Both you and your pet will be happier fo...
Lubię książki dla dzieci. Przeważnie mogę w nich znaleźć wiele elementów fantastycznych, które nie są straszne, ale i tak rozbudzają niesamowicie wyobraźnię. "Poradnik dla smoków. Żywienie i wychowanie ludzi" był krótką, ale ciekawą lekturą. Smoczyca - panna Drake - była bardziej ludzka niż smocz...
This is a cute mg fantasy from the point of view of a dragon who considers a family of humans her pets. It’s fine, although I found the ending a little too quick and unconvincing.
A cute and charming little book in which, upon far too careful examination, the characters' relationship is moved along too quickly.* Still, when taken for what it is, it is a fun and fast read, probably best enjoyed with a young one.Personally, the title should be something different, considering w...
Much to my surprise, the kids really liked Without Words! The photos are accompanied by poems, and my niece and nephew really tend to not like poetry. This poetry, however, was not presented in rhyme, and that's something a little different than what is usually found in kids' books. There were se...
The text in this book was very rich for a children's book I thought. It was very poetic, used language that was vibrant and not at all dumbed down, and it was used very well to create a world as percieved through a dinosaur's senses. The pictures were wonderfully drawn, except for one that my niec...
This was one of the few storybooks that Owen would sit still for when he was a tiny boy, and one he demanded over and over. Simple, poetic and haunting, this lushly illustrated book chronicles a young girl's day. She is learning about how her world also belongs to all the animals, and she meets many...
Zoos are fascinating. And, as panda books go, one that focuses on the zoo aspect makes a nice change.