'TAMING MR. FLIRT' by A.M. Madden and Joanne Schwehm is the story of Kyle Cleary & Vanessa Monroe. Kyle and Vanessa story started with an instant attraction that became a physical relationship. It was slow to grow into more that the physical and attraction side. Which was nice for sometimes to have...
Link to full review below! Holy Fucking Plot Twist Batman! See full review on The Book Disciple
After reading Unexpected Chance and My Chance, I really wanted to read this one as to see what would happen to Brett and Julie and I am slightly disappointed because Julie didn't at least try to move on and she welcomed him back too easily and Brett was forever hitting himself and the other woman ma...
n/c Selene Chardou - Atonement
Sweetness made for the middle aged couple. Every story can't be about twenty somethings. This is a story about finding happiness when everything isn't new anymore, when you open your eyes and see what's around you.