He was branded a traitor. And he may be humankind's salvation... Captain Nikolas EstherVorn is a traitor. Or so it was decreed after Niko disobeyed protocol while trying to save Earth from other-dimensional creatures. Stuck in a prison cell, the last thing he needs is to be in close proximity to s...
Mari Shu, a factory drudge in the year 4000-something, must choose how to protect her sisters, her purity, and her own conscience in a bleak futuristic society that’s been polluted by smog, rampant commercialism, tacky jumpsuits, sexual perversions, unjust socioeconomics, interstellar travel, and in...
Silly but fun reading.
regori’s last mission is to save Earth from the demons threatening to take control. He doesn’t care if he survives as long as he averts the impending apocalypse—until he meets Adelita, a human refugee, whose spirit and determination give him a renewed reason to fight. And live. He’s falling for her,...
Heck (it is his nickname) and Caroline have been best friends for their whole life. Caroline is to be married Dan. Dan is not the man of her dreams, but she no longer wants to wait for him that guy to show up. Caroline wants to be a mother and have a family before life gets away from her. Dan is the...
My first impression was that this was a cute story with funny inner monologue by Delphie. By the time she and the hero are fighting off "bad guys", I decided she may be TSTL. It's hard to give a full review without spoilers, but I'll try. Delphie's nearly manic swings between TSTL and "almost a geni...
This is a cute angst ridden friends to lovers novella where the hero needs to get clue but is wonderful anyway. This quick read has southern charm and a great best friend who needs her own book. The sexy times are smoking and it is easy to tell the hero and heroine really love each other. This isn...
4 starsQuick, fun read. Friends to lovers trope, one of my favorites, though these friends are little slow to the finish line. Heck did try my patience near the end because he is a self-righteous prig. And he thought Dan was a dickwad. Jeez!full reviewReview:I have come to really like Entangled’...
Kiss the Bride is the rare romance novel that is told mainly from a man’s point of view. Which is a fresh change of pace to read in this genre.Herman Heckley aka Heck is the “man of honor” in his best friend’s wedding. They’ve been best friends for 34 years but can’t really figure out why Caroline i...