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Have I ever mentioned how much I love retellings? If you’ve read some of my blog entries about other books I’ve read, I may have mentioned it a few times... okay maybe more than a few. And you may be already annoyed. Sorry. Let’s move on...While I may not be much of an Oz fan, I didn’t pass up the c...
After reading Tales of Oz, I was excited and looking forward to diving into Grimm Fairy Tales: Oz. While the illustrations were amazing I found them to be borderline pornographic, and a little distracting at times. This reimaging is filled with a lot of gore, which I didn’t mind but I feel like thi...
I have posted my full review of this on my blog, The Itinerant Librarian. Click on the link above to check it out.
An adult re-imagining of The Wizard of Oz, a skimpily-dressed adult Dorothy finds herself embroiled in the battle of a foreign land where it is revealed she is the only one who can stop the Wicked Witch of the West from destroying Oz. As far as re-imaginings go, this one was a little ‘out there.’ ...
Provided through NetGalley for an honest review 4 OZ-TASTIC STARSThis beautifully illustrated. Though the story story was a little simple and quick, it still worked. I like how I though the villainous traitor was one person and it turned out to be the one I never expected. I like how Oz was a real u...