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Black Bolt and hurt/comfort in case you were wondering. I should have adored this story. I read it to comfort myself while sick. I didn't want to nap; I wanted to read! I want to nap now. Instead I get Medusa getting her husband's name wrong. At least she got it right when they found him ag...
Having made the worst of it, Jeph Loeb scampers off somewhere to ruin someone else's day and leaves more capable writers to do what they can to patch things up. And, much like how just watching peroxide bubble and foam out of a nasty scrape when I was little seemed to do just as much good as the act...
I do not like the Fantastic Four, so it irked me when I found out their last issues come bound up with the last issues of the X-Men. I mean, really?The Ultimatum wave has come and gone, and left thousands dead, including some very important X-characters, and a peripheral figure to the Fantastic Four...
Sure, there's not a lot of substance here. Just some tidbits that are satisfying only if you've been following all of the other stories in the 'Ultimate' line, including the terrible ones.Now, these revelations don't make those titles good. No. That would be impossible. But it does round them out a ...