Johanna Spyri
Birth date: 1827-06-12
Died: 1901-12-13
Johanna Spyri's Books
Every once in a while, I figure I should read a book which was considered to be a childrens' classic back when I was a child, but which I missed for some reason. Things like Little Lord Fauntleroy, Anne of Green Gables, The Wind in the Willows, and now, Heidi. So,we begin with Heidi as a 5-year ol...
Around the Year Reading Challenge Item #12: A Childhood Classic3.5This was almost a four-star book for me. I kept being torn between my genuine enjoyment of the setting and characters and my "objective" observations about the strength of the story.On the one hand, I found Heidi to be an easy, charmi...
And that's mostly it. I liked it, even if I wanted to roll my eyes many times.
A saccharine, yet strangely readable, children's book about a little Swiss girl who transforms the lives of nearly everyone she meets. I'd read this one as a kid but remembered too little to count it for my world books challenge without a re-read. The beauty of the mountain and Heidi's love for it a...
It's sweet—makes everything seem like it will work out for the best if you're a good person.