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Johannes Urzidil
Birth date: February 03, 1896
Died: November 02, 1970
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Summer Reading Project, BookLikes Satellite
Pushkin Press continues to do sterling work by retranslating and republishing European fiction with Johannes Urzidil’s The Last Bell (translated by David Burnett). The Last Bell includes five stories by a mid-century Czech author who got lost in the shuffle of history. In these stories, Urzidil writ...
Gatta ci cova
Gatta ci cova rated it 12 years ago
Era l’inizio del Novecento quando, a Praga, Kafka raggiungeva il Caffè Arco frequentato da altri amici letterati. Al suo arrivo improvvisamente l’atmosfera cambiava. Stava seduto, in disparte. Non serviva che parlasse, non occorreva che prendesse una posizione centrale. No, poche, pochissime parole ...
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