John Alan Turner is a writer, a theologian, a consultant, and a teacher who is recognized for his ability to present the story of God intelligently and accessibly. A native Californian, he studied at Pepperdine University, Hope International University, The Bear Valley Bible Institute and the...
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John Alan Turner is a writer, a theologian, a consultant, and a teacher who is recognized for his ability to present the story of God intelligently and accessibly. A native Californian, he studied at Pepperdine University, Hope International University, The Bear Valley Bible Institute and the London School of Theology -- earning a Th.M. and narrowly avoiding a D.Phil. He has appeared on American Family Radio and The Coral Ridge Hour television broadcast. Turner has also authored a number of books including THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO THE DA VINCI CODE (Broadman & Holman, '06), HEARTS AND MINDS: Raising Your Child With a Christian View of the World (Tyndale, '06), THE 52 GREATEST STORIES OF THE BIBLE: A Daily Devotional (Regal Books, '08) and his most recent release CRAZY STORY; SANE GOD.John and his three daughters live in a quiet cul-de-sac in suburban-Atlanta. Turner enjoys jazz, baseball, and reading --- though not necessarily in that order.
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