L'ingénu est définitivement, l'un de mes romans voltairiens favoris, dans la meme lignée que Candide ou l'optimisme et Zadig ou la destinée. ce qui m'a marqué dans roman, c'est évidemment le protagoniste, Hercule le Huron. Drole et personnage attachant des le depart, il est pret a tout pour épouser ...
A lot of people have no patience for Alexander Pope, but I think he was a delightful smart ass, and he is one of my favorite old timey poets almost solely because of it. Also, I don't really like poets, so that might have something to do with it.
One of the all-time greatest satires. A plot that could've made a decent adventure novel is handled instead as a continuous string of jokes and grotesque suffering (which is usually also presented as a joke) until it runs headlong into a surprisingly earnest ending.
Voltaire had two sons: Candide was naive and amazing, Zadig was ingenuous and good looking.