Dealing with cancer must be horrendous enough, but in John Goodrich's world, that's just the precursor for what befalls his protagonist, David, when he moves to Boston to be closer to the only form of treatment that may just save his life. You see, David has the misfortune of choosing to rent an apa...
What is it about New England that makes it such a fertile ground for growing great horror writers? Being a Texan, I am mystified, but being a horror lover, I do appreciate whatever it is.Well chosen stories by top flight authors and even takes extra points for artistry by including poems. My favor...
Quality of the stories in this anthology varies. Some fall flat due to too much unexplained, a thing that needs to be delicately balanced in stories like these. Some nice premises are ruined by trying too hard or simply bad writing. Some are wonderful. As far as the theme goes, don't be misled by ...