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John Gwynne - Community Reviews back

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Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 6 years ago
I read this over the weekend and honestly it didn't really make much of an impression on me. I honestly feel no urge to read further in this series, don't get me wrong I wouldn't refuse to read more in this series, I just feel no real urge to keep reading here. I don't really remember much about the...
Wortmagieblog rated it 6 years ago
Der Feind hat Drassil eingenommen. Calidus und Nathair besitzen drei der Sieben Schätze und sind ihrem Ziel, Asroth in die irdische Welt zu bringen, bedrohlich nahe. Das Wettrennen um die verbleibenden Gegenstände hat begonnen. Nur zusammen können sie Asroth‘ Ketten in der Anderswelt sprengen – und ...
Wortmagieblog rated it 6 years ago
Mithilfe seiner Verbündeten gelang es Corban, seine Schwester Cywen aus den Fängen seiner Feinde zu befreien. Doch ihre schaurigen Pläne konnte er nicht durchkreuzen. Der Kessel befindet sich in Calidus‘ Besitz. Er entließ die grässlichen Kadoshim in die irdische Welt, die nun Angst und Schrecken sä...
Wortmagieblog rated it 6 years ago
Corban und seine Freunde haben den Überfall auf Dun Carreg knapp überlebt. Sie sind entkommen und konnten Ardans rechtmäßige Thronerbin Edana retten. Der Verlust ihrer Lieben lastet schwer auf ihren Herzen. Corban hadert mit dem Wissen, dass seine Mutter und Gar in ihm den Leuchtenden Stern sehen. W...
Wortmagieblog rated it 7 years ago
Greifbare, gelebte Geschichte ist für den Autor John Gwynne einer der stärksten Faktoren, die sein Schreiben beeinflussen. Das Nachstellen historischer Ereignisse gehört zu seinen Hobbies. Oh ja, Mr. Gwynne hüpft gern in ein Kostüm und spielt Schlachten, Turniere und das mittelalterliche Alltagslebe...
lindbergseth rated it 9 years ago
Blackguards: Tales of Assassins, Mercenaries, and Rogues by J.M. MartinS.E. Lindberg rating: 5 of 5 starsBlackguards: Tales of Assassins, Mercenaries, and Rogues is Highly Recommended Dark Fantasy:: This collection is largely Dark Fantasy. As the subtitle says, this not just about Assassins--there a...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 10 years ago
Nope, didn't care. Will not be continuing, it gets a 3* because it was readable but it just didn't do it for me.And the Giants old language, that was Irish. Oh heck. You can't translate one language into another directly, it doesn't work right. Let me explain with an example, the Irish proverb: ...
Alissa rated it 11 years ago
Project successfully funded on Kickstarter. Initial pledge goal more than doubled! I'm looking forward to reading this anthology.
BOOKWRAITHS REVIEWS rated it 11 years ago
Malice by John Gwynne is the first book in The Faithful and the Fallen series, and it is an epic fantasy that has flown under the radar of a lot of fantasy aficionados. After reading it, I can understand that to some extent, because – in this time when grimdark and its close cousins are all the rage...
Blodeuedd rated it 12 years ago
The book was not easy getting into to. I was bored at first, then the many POVs had me confused. They kept on coming and before I knew one character another one was thrown at me. I do not have a problem with many characters, I just need to know who they all are and what they do first. But somewhere ...
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