Shattered Shields edited by Jennifer Brozek is an anthology focused on military fantasy, specifically heroic struggles and epic combat. Here seventeen short stories and novellas explore the vast expanse of military fantasy in all its varied forms from adventures in hither unexplored worlds to new ta...
I only bought this on a whim, as it was clearence at the book store for $5. for the price I would say it is worth it, though it really does not add much to the series that is not already addressed in her other books.
Most of the stories in the book are okay. My favorite, however, wasMichelle West's retelling of Beauty and the Beast with a good dose of O. Henry. But overall, the collection was disappointing. The stories were either too predictable or too boring. West's one was very good, so go to the library ...
Includes several good stories. The best one being "True Love", a tale about Prince Charming and his brides.
Some of the worst short stories I've read in a long, long time. Trite, cliched, badly told...ugh. I finally gave up after Russel Davis's "The Last Day of the Rest of her Life." It is a retelling of The Little Matchseller in which the main character is a young girl named Angel, who runs away from her...
I got this along with Exile's Honor and It Takes a Thief from the SF Book Club. I had already ripped through the Queen's Own and the Last Herald Mage trilogies along with a few others and at the time I ordered these books I was convinced that I was going to enjoy them.But, when they arrived, I reali...