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More books should be published in small editions with illustrations. Lyra is a bit much in The Golden Compass; Will was my favorite character in that series. But over the years she's really grown on me. This is just a short visit to check up on her well after the events of His Dark Materials are...
When I'm not reading HDM, sometimes I'll wonder if these little companion books are necessary. And then I reread HDM, find myself desperate for more of Lyra and her world and decide, yes, they absolutely are. Now give us the green book already, Philip Pullman.
I'm calling this finished, even though technically I haven't read it cover to cover. In part because it's really not meant to be read cover to cover, but dipped into now and again more or less randomly and in part because it's making me itch to see it squatting on my Currently Reading list. The B...
A Christmas card by Paul TherouxThis story starts out with a family and the father has gotten them lost on the snowy road. They notice a light and approach the house. The man wants the family to stay the night.The man leaves a card for them when they leave in the morning. The card is magic and chang...
Well, this one was a little tedious for me. Maybe I wasn't in the mood. I'm not sure how it could read fast and slow at the same time, but it did. I think it could have used a little more to it. Not horrible, but just a little better than ok. 2+ Stars.