As a child, my primary exposure to comics came from the Marvel stockpile with a sprinkling of DC, Archie, and Richie Rich. Being an Air Force brat living overseas for many of my prime being-brainwashed-by-comics years, I had access to The Stars and Stripes bookstore on base, and not much else. It wa...
A collection of riffs on the Marvel universe. Darker and less family friendly than the Bizarro compilation for DC. Not bad overall, but inconsistent.
This book was a great idea, and it plays out really nicely. Get indie comics creators of every stripe to play around with Marvel characters? It's a fucking win-win, Marvel gets to look like they've got a sense of humor about themselves, fans get weird out-of-universe stories, and non-fans get a book...
Peter Bagge's Megalomaniacal Spider-Man and Tony Millionaire's battle between Iron-Man and a giant Dwight Eisenhower is more than worth the price of the paperback edition.