When I entered into this giveaway to read this book I was in love with not only the title but the cover as well it just CALLED to me. Now it took me a while before I could read it as we all know my book list is long! Now when I started the book we are given an introduction by Christopher Golden on ...
What is it about New England that makes it such a fertile ground for growing great horror writers? Being a Texan, I am mystified, but being a horror lover, I do appreciate whatever it is.Well chosen stories by top flight authors and even takes extra points for artistry by including poems. My favor...
Supongo que el título y la portada dan la impresión de que este libro trata de zombies, vampiros y cosas similares, pero en realidad la clase de monstruos que hay aquí son mas complejos y mas humanos que eso.Desde el inicio se nos dice que el libro es un intento de explorar el concepto de monstruo d...
Intellectually stimulating if ultimately depressing group of stories.
This is a collection of horror stories staring our favorite horror creature, zombies! The collection runs the gamut of stories. Some quite grotesque, and some with nary a brain in site. However, some will make you think, and even shed a tear. In fact, one had me hugging my puppy after reading it. Oh...
I fucking need this book!
I thought this was a well put together anthology. There were only a couple of stories I didn't particularly care for and a few others I thought didn't necessarily fit the theme of "monster" but the vast majority of the stories were really quite good which is all I ask from an anthology. Recommended.
Pretty good collection of stories. There were the usual losers that you find in a collection such as this but there were some real gems as well. The Goat, Prisoner 392 and Story Time with the Bluefield Strangler all come to mind as good reads.