This book might have been published a couple of generations ago but it fits right in with today's college-age romances. No cell phones, Internet or emails, but otherwise it's surprisingly contemporary. It's very quirky yet emotionally evocative, and I defy you not to fall in love with Pookie. Jerry ...
Nichols, a journalist who has written for The Nation and The Wisconsin State Journal as well as for other progressive publications, has several goals in writing The "S" Word. One is to blow off some steam regarding his frustration with the state of public discourse in the US (which he describes as b...
This is a cradle to (unfortunately not) grave look at the trickier one. It presents a picture of a devious character who lacks superior intellect, but manages to get himself into power by always being willing to take on the scut work at every level, then springing into action when opportunity presen...