He’s on the case of some of the most famous nursery tales and he will not give up until the culprit is caught. His name is Police Officer Binky and yes, he is a toad in a suit but does that really matter? From Goldilocks to Humpty Dumpty, you can help Officer Binky as he discusses with the witness t...
Enjoyable and fun, but both the retelling and the artwork were perhaps just a wee bit too cutesy for my taste. Still, seeing Hans in his underpants was hysterical!
Don't doctor up Grimm's tales into cute picture books! Coombs messily removed powerful themes that make this a human story--the disdain of his father, and further broken promises by the first king and his daughter. All this is part of a universal theme about feeling invited/uninvited, about inhospit...
A middle-grade retelling of The Pied Piper. I liked the main character a lot and the story went in interesting directions while remaining fairly close to the original.
Good retelling of the Grimm tale. Attractive illustrations and design.