It was mostly fun to read, well written and it had some crude humor and quite obvious twists of Christian theology. And that was my main problem with this book: It is right in your face. No subtlety, no not so obvious sarcasm or irony. It was all there, right in the open. The idea was actually b...
Main woman with revenge agenda a bit OTT and lacking in authenticity - bit of an archetype fleshed out with unimaginative distinguishing features (am dram/booze) to make her seem real..lazy/nice idea but harder to make real.. but the main character's head trip pretty tidy...yup.well done.. could ima...
his best.. what a book!!!
It's been a good few years since I read this book, however I remember devouring it. I also remember one moment that caused me to laugh so much I had tears rolling down my face. This is a very, very dark book, and not for the feint hearted. It's also a brilliantly told tale of the excesses and foo...