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John Twelve Hawks - Community Reviews back

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bookaneer rated it 9 years ago
The Dark River (Fourth Realm #2) by John Twelve Hawks My first encounter with Twelve Hawks was through Spark, which I found pretty darned awesome, enough so that I decided to try another of his works. My library doesn't have the first in the Fourth Realm trilogy, so I decided to try my luck with the...
msleighm books
msleighm books rated it 9 years ago
Fascinating character study. Since my total disability, I have found a partial emotional disconnect, though not enough to kill. Like Jake, animals are on the top of my pyramid (of course cats outrank dogs in mine). My mom didn't think I'd like this book and wasn't going to pass it on to me. I'm real...
Url Phantomhive
Url Phantomhive rated it 10 years ago
Jacob Underwood makes the perfect assassin as he's very good in his job, only capable of three emotions - boredom, curiosity and digust - and most importantly he's dead. At least, that's what he himself believes. He suffers from Cotard's Syndrome, a very rare psychological disorder in which people...
Liz Loves Books.Com.
Liz Loves Books.Com. rated it 10 years ago
Publication Date: October 9th 2014 Source: Netgalley Jacob Underwood is not like other people. He has Cotard’s Syndrome. He believes he is dead. Which makes his job as a hired assassin neutralising ‘problems’ for DBG, a massive multinational corporation, very simple. He carries out the task – an...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 11 years ago
The Dark River opens following Maya and Gabriel’s narrow escape from his brother, Michael, and the group of powerful men who have been pursuing them. The landscape has shifted: Michael has become part of the group that wants to capture Gabriel, and thanks to advanced surveillance technology there ar...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 11 years ago
This is a story very close to the bone with modern survelience techniques and the feeling that your freedom is being traded for same-ness. That we're all being encouraged to live and act like sheep instead of finding something that moves us and being true to ourselves. I'm not as paranoid as the a...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 11 years ago
Readable, no really, that's probably as good as this review is going to get. It's an interesting concept with such a lot of potential and it's mostly blown by the listing of places that the characters go. Places that really show no definitive personality of their own and instead end up feeling lik...
Akustrei rated it 12 years ago
That was a pretty lame ending. So... correct me if I'm wrong, but Michael and Gabriel died, right? (Or can you even die in the fire barrier?) Or are they just sitting in that place? Also, I thought that Alice was going to die a few times there *whew* so glad she survived. I feel like I just watched ...
Akustrei rated it 12 years ago
I can't believe this book has been checked out from my school library about twenty times but they still don't have the second book :O Is TIA real? I saw something about it in a Benedict Cumberbatch movie...
Nocturnal Book Reviews
Nocturnal Book Reviews rated it 12 years ago
Another ridiculously good book that found me by pure chance. All the conspiracy theorists of the world, this book is definitely for you. As I count myself one of the men in the tinfoil hats, that book felt like home.My mom-in-law gave it to my hubby to read and it was gathering dust in our car, unti...
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