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This was an excellent audio to listen to. I couldn’t understand why I was able to get the audio right off the shelf at the library while the list to obtain the physical book was miles long. Although there were a lot of discs, the novel went quickly. Before reading this novel, I wondered if this book...
So I was not a real fan of the last book. I thought there was a lot going on there. I think moving Louisa to New York was a good idea. She gets to grow as a character which I don't think she would have if Moyes had left her in England in her new romance with Sam. And we get some new characters that ...
Thanks to Penguin UK-Michael Joseph and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy of this book, which I freely chose to review. Jojo Moyes was a name familiar to me (from bestseller lists, movie adaptations, bookshops…) but she was one of the authors I knew by name but hadn’t yet read. When I saw this ...
This book was a suggested title for the "Star-Crossed Lovers" theme of week one of the Albany Public Library Summer Reading Challenge. I would probably not have chosen this book of my own volition. Will Traynor was once a high-powered business guy based in London, making stacks of money buying and...
I enjoyed this sweet and inspiring, if a bit obvious, story much more than the first two in the trilogy. Our heroine has grown over the series, and although still making some pretty stupid decisions that made me want to slap her, by the end of the book has a wonderful a-ha moment that is very satisf...