A series of essays that read like an ode to science. Good poetry makes you feel your way to understanding, and these essays let you understand by feeling and just gives enough to whet you curiosity on the topic and give you further ideas for further listening.This book would make a great first scien...
bookshelves: essays, gr-library, nonfiction, published-2013, environmental-issues, tbr-busting-2014, winter-20132014, sciences, psychology, under-500-ratings, next, abandoned, skim-through Read on February 24, 2013 Arrogant title, let see what it delivers! 1. EVOLUTION BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTI...
Essentially a compilation of short articles by eminent scientists & academics about their favourite deep & elegant theories. There's a lot of ground covered from physics to sociology, so there's probably something of interest for everyone.
Arrogant title, let see what it delivers!
This book of collected essays asks the question, "What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?" Many people, from Richard Dawkins to Brian Eno to professors you've never heard of (but are amazingly cool), contribute their ideas and theories.The essays are lovingly ordered so that ...
The author draws from such fields as psychology, biology, and neuroscience to explain why humans are hard-wired for telling and enjoying stories. Breezy and interesting.
I loved Gottschall from the first line of this book; I quickly saw he was a book fan geeking out about how awesome fiction is and I cheerfully followed along.I'm always going to fangirl over books on books -- I can't help it. I love readers and I love reading about reading. Gottschall takes joy in...
Human beings. We're all wired up for narrative from the way-back times. Gottschall does a great job showing us the various ways in which story pushes, moves, influences, controls us, pulses through the very core of our being. It's a good book. If you like that sort of thing.