José Eduardo Agualusa
Birth date: December 13, 1960
José Eduardo Agualusa's Books
Published 2015 (English Edition), published 2012 (Portuguese Edition) “If I had the space, the charcoal, and available walls, I could compose a great work about forgetting: a general theory of oblivion.” I read this in the original Portuguese when it came out in 2012. And as soon as I got the En...
Very strange novella, and I don't know why it won the awards and plaudits that it did. Am I the boy declaring the emperor has no clothes, or have I missed the point? Either way, I wouldn't recommend spending your own money on it. This should probably be either 1* or 4*, but as I don't know which, I'...
Translated from the Portuguese by Daniel Hahn. I was born in this house, and grew up here.Narrated by a tiger gecko. Short quick read where I'm not sure if I like it or not. Different it is, where the idea is far more interesting than the delivery.
If you've always dreamed of reading a book narrated by a gecko who happens to be the reincarnation of Jorge Luis Borges, this is your lucky day. Otherwise, skip it.