José Mauro de Vasconcelos
Birth date: February 26, 1920
Died: July 25, 1984
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J'étais vexé et ne voulus plus parler. Je n'avais pas davantage envie de chanter. Mon oiseau qui chantait au-dedans de moi s'envola."Mais moi aussi, tu avais dit que tu me tuerais...- Je l'ai dit au début. Ensuite, je t'ai tué à l'envers. Je t'ai fait mourir en te faisant naître dans mon cœur. Tu es...
When I started the book I had no idea that it would be 6:30 am and I would be in my bed, surrounded with tissues crying non stop. It has the simplicity and innocence that can only be seen through the eyes of a 5 year old, but at the same time it has the loss of that innocence. and the rudeness of ...
Generalmente, antes de comprar un libro, debo informarme sobre el trama antes de comprarlo. Pero en este caso, lo compré sin dudarlo porque 1) me ha gustado mucho "Mi planta de naranja-lima" cuando lo leí en el colegio, y 2) en el título está la palabra "japonés" (y estoy en una etapa en la que quie...
Este livro marcou-me para a vida.
Not as impressed as I expected myself to be. Interesting opinions about love, hate, religion, good and evil, but hard to believe they belong to a 5 year old kid.I semi-hated the translation.