Colin Powell is one of my heroes. I know he has his detractors left and right. Those on the left bristle that he served in the Reagan and both Bush administrations and blame him for the Iraq War. Those on the right that he endorsed Obama. I guess it tips my hat as to which team I root for, but no, I...
I vividly remember reading The Donkeys by Alan Clarke] (the title comes from the phrase, "lions led by donkeys") many years ago that described the total incompetence of the British Expeditionary Force generals in WW I. They were completely unable to adapt to new technologies and insisted on fighting...
I need to keep better track of my Goodreads... This was a very informative and interesting read. I recommend.(I also should work on a better review system, I know :P)
Although the author specifies that the fictional elements "make up less than ten percent of the whole book" they are a very distracting ten percent. If I wanted a fictional account to make me feel like a witness to the battle of Gettysburg, I would just re-read The Killer Angels. Since the author'...
One of the dilemmas faced by a reader intrigued by the history of conflict is that often the horror experienced by the average soldier gets lost in the strategic grandeur of a movement and its politics. Joseph Persico, a well-known biographer, has provided us with an unusual glimpse of the Gettysbur...