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Joseph Valente
Joseph Valente is UB Distinguished Professor of English and Disability Studies at SUNY-Buffalo and Treasurer of the International Yeats Society. show more

Joseph Valente is UB Distinguished Professor of English and Disability Studies at SUNY-Buffalo and Treasurer of the International Yeats Society.
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Maven Books
Maven Books rated it 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure I read this back in high school, but as I started to read it just before Halloween, I realized I had completely forgotten everything about it. It has a good dose of creepy and thrilling elements, though it's a bit plodding in parts, what with all the journal entries and exclamations...
SJane rated it 43 years ago
Despite everything I knew about Dracula and vampires, this was still a creepy read. Ooooh, when he climbs up that wall....
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