Joshua Alan Doetsch once built a golem out of grave-robbed parts and uneaten Halloween candy. By strange chance, this golem is fueled on rejection slips. Every day it begs and it pleads, "PLEASE, KIND SIR, KEEP ME ALIVE!" And so Joshua writes. You can thank anyone who accepts his work for...
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Joshua Alan Doetsch once built a golem out of grave-robbed parts and uneaten Halloween candy. By strange chance, this golem is fueled on rejection slips. Every day it begs and it pleads, "PLEASE, KIND SIR, KEEP ME ALIVE!" And so Joshua writes. You can thank anyone who accepts his work for allowing the poor golem to go hungry for another day.Joshua is from Chicago, was writing video game dialogue in Norway, then in Montreal, and his makeshift TARDIS has now brought him to Durham, North Carolina for his next writing gig. He lives with a one-eyed, black cat named Raven. He has a fondness for fedoras, finds happiness in voodoo doll smiles, does a pretty mean Christopher Walken impersonation, and once upon a road trip dreary, wrote a Blues song about necrophilia. He also writes fascinating internet profiles in the third person.
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