Book Riot 2015 Challenge: MicrohistoryFlapper is an engrossing history of the too-brief Jazz Age and the New Woman, with particular focus on important figures of the day: Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, Coco Chanel, and Lois Long. I've read a few works on the era, but I came away from Flapper discoverin...
I really liked the title of this book and it was enjoyable, but not as scholarly as I had hoped. Knowing a lot about this era, I was intrigued to learn something new, but unfortunately, I knew most of the stories already. However, I would recommend this book as a fun introduction, for those who migh...
LOVED IT! bobbed my hair after I finished!
I've always been intrigued by flappers and the 1920s in general, but I admit to not knowing terribly much about the details of the time. However, I walk away from Flapper: A Madcap Story feeling as though I am not that much more enlightened. Yes, I know some irrelevant details about some players in ...
If you’re looking for an in-depth look into the 1920s, or are a veteran fan of the era, this is probably not the book for you. However, if you’ve always had an interest in the era of the Flapper, the history and culture surrounding her, and the events leading up to her emergence into the world, this...
This was an easy-to-read overview over the flapper phenomenon in the US. I liked that despite the wide ground he covered, the author managed to repeatedly mention issues like race, class and gender inequalities.
A fun, breezy read, with chapters highlighting F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda, Coco Chanel, Clara Bow, and Louise Brooks.