*Historic facts not treated as spoilers.*Margaret Beaufort is known for being the formidable mother of Henry Tudor, but what was she before war and hardship turned her into the cold, angular woman we picture when we think of her? Arnopp does an excellent job of answering that question with this stor...
Castles, Customs and Kings edited by Debra Brown and the late M.M. Bennetts and has essays from such historical fiction authors such as Katherine Ashe, Gillian Bagwell, Nancy Bilyeau, Sandra Byrd, Stephanie Cowell, Christy English, Barbara Kyle just to name a few, go here to read more about these au...
Judith Arnopp has done a better job with Elizabeth of York than other, inexplicably popular, authors. A Song of Sixpence is not solely the story of Elizabeth of York. Chapters alternate between first person point-of-view chapters of Elizabeth and third person point-of-view chapters of her brother ...