I know for a fact I read this book in elementary school, but I didn't remember anything about it. It turns out 'The Best Christmas Pageant Ever' is about how the Herdmans, a gang of ill-bred ruffian poor children, hijack the Christmas play at Church because they thought there would be food, and they...
Anthony Monday is John Bellair's third-string leading man. Like Lewis Barnevelt and Johnny Dixon, he befriends an elderly curmudgeon early on, head librarian Ms. Myra Eells, and he has a troubled home life. With Anthony, his mother worries constantly about money, and his dad is sick. What set Anthon...
Set mostly in Nebraska at the same time Laura Ingalls was dealing with grasshoppers, this is the story of young Kevin. Kevin is orphaned on the ship coming to New York from Ireland, and worse yet, when he arrives in the US, he finds his only relative is in jail. The book is about the luck and pluck ...
Yet another classic from childhood that I didn't read back then. It feels a little dated, but it's still funny.
Oh, wow, I remember this book. I didn't usually want to be an orphan, but I sure did want to find and rescue a little house for my very own!