Book: Edenbrooke Author: Julianne Donaldson Genre: Fiction/Historical Romance Summary: Marianne Daventry will do anything to escape the boredom of Bath and the amorous attentions of an unwanted suitor. So when an invitation arrives from her twin sister, Cecily, to join her at a sprawling count...
Book: Blackmoore Author: Julianne Donaldson Genre: Historical Romance Summary: Kate Worthington knows she can never marry the man she loves, so she plans to travel to India instead - if only to find peace for her restless spirit and to escape the family she abhors. But Kate’s meddlesome mother...
A charming romantic story, set in Regency England, this novel has a banner ‘Proper Romance’. I guess it means romance without sex, which is what it was, and the lack of sex scenes actually enhanced the tale for me. The heroine Marianne is young, naive, and very proper. The hero Philip is charismatic...
Kate wanted to go to India with her Aunt and she made a deal with her mother. The only way she was able to make it was with the help of a childhood friend Henry.I really loved her last book. I even bought multiple copies and gave them to people. I think that might be why I had high expectations for ...
It is not very often that I find myself choosing to read a clean romance, let alone enjoying one, but I was pleasantly surprised with this one. Blackmoore has just the right balance between the sweet and the bitter, and its characters are worth of respect and admiration. Their love is beautiful and ...
ARC provided by Shadow Mountain through Netgalley The book starts with Kate brimming with excitement over finally getting to visit Blackmoore. Her elation is interrupted by her sister's loud sobbing because the gentleman for whom she had a crush is leaving forever. But it serves to show the reader...
Word count of "Bird" within this book: 167. "Cage": 71 "Trapped": I give up. Insipid. Silly. Sappy. Predictable. The main character is so insufferably uptight you'd think she had a stick permanently up her ass (on which a bird has perched). There is not a single instance of true female friendship...
I just...I don't...All the feels! How does she do it!?! I cannot figure this out! Julianne Donaldson's first book, Edenbrooke, was filled with cliche regency tropes. This one was incredibly predictable. And yet both times, I found myself tearing up during the story. Which NEVER happens! Donal...
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