I'm a late bloomer when it comes to reading -- and writing. I didn't discover either joy until I discovered romance novels in my early twenties. Now, I'm totally addicted. My biggest joy is bringing all my interests together in my books, to have the chance to celebrate the things that excite me...
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I'm a late bloomer when it comes to reading -- and writing. I didn't discover either joy until I discovered romance novels in my early twenties. Now, I'm totally addicted. My biggest joy is bringing all my interests together in my books, to have the chance to celebrate the things that excite me through my characters.Since I love to travel, all my books are set in places I've actually been. Sometimes those real places morph into fictional places -- like Pearl Island -- but I try to capture the magic of the setting and people in all my books, to make writing them like a trip to a wonderful world where good always triumphs and love always ends in Happily Ever After -- against all odds. That's what makes life worth living, and books worth reading: when someone grabs the brass ring.Subscribe to updates from me about new books and other news at http://julieortolon.com/Follow me on Twitter @julieortolonAnd on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/julieortolonContact me at http://julieortolon.com/connect/
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