Julius Winsome
9780571235360 (0571235360)
Edition language: English
"Wer sehr lange lebt, verliert doch nur dasselbe wie jemand, der jung stirbt. Denn nur das Jetzt ist es, dessen man beraubt werden kann, weil man nur dieses besitzt.' Dieses Marc Aurel Zitat ist dem in der vorliegenden Sonderausgabe kleinen Buch vorangestellt. Überschlägt man es erst, beschäftigt ...
I need to think on this one. I like it a lot. It's weird and it's creepy and it's got some fabulous writing in it, but there's something in there I'm not quite getting. Definitely worth your time though.
If you want to see a likeable villain, meet Julius Winsome. I've never wrestled with hating a bad guy so much because... he isn't quite a bad guy. He isn't mean. He doesn't have a tortured backstory. He has a great library, will use Shakespearean vocabulary in everyday conversations, and loves his d...