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June Cotner
June Cotner is a publishing consultant and the author of 33 books, including the bestselling GRACES and WEDDING BLESSINGS. Collectively, her books have sold more than one million copies and have earned praise in many national publications including USA Today, Better Homes & Gardens, Woman's Day,... show more

June Cotner is a publishing consultant and the author of 33 books, including the bestselling GRACES and WEDDING BLESSINGS. Collectively, her books have sold more than one million copies and have earned praise in many national publications including USA Today, Better Homes & Gardens, Woman's Day, and Family Circle. June has appeared on national television and radio programs as well as local television including "New Day Northwest" and "AM Northwest." June is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley. Through Book Proposal Services, she evaluates nonfiction book proposals and analyzes concepts for books. See "Consulting" at www.JuneCotner.com. Her books have been published by major houses including Random House, HarperCollins, and Hachette. She has also enjoyed working with mid-size publishers such as Andrews McMeel and Chronicle Books. Her newest book is WE ARE WOMEN: Celebrating Our Wit and Grit (March 2016), co-authored with Barb Mayer. The book consists of vintage photos of women paired with inspirational and sometimes humorous quotes. Quotation: "Creativity, for me, involves connections. As an anthologist, I love finding the perfect quote for a specific book. As a publishing consultant, I greatly enjoy helping clients create the best possible proposals to secure excellent advances."Fun tidbit: June has always loved playing with creative ideas, including starting the first "dormie" powder puff football game at U.C. Berkeley, I ETA PI, that competed against sorority teams and went on to become a football dynasty. Visit her website at www.JuneCotner.com

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dearmfield rated it 13 years ago
Picked this up to give me some ideas for wedding invites and wedding vows.
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