by Quinn Loftis
Now I'm just starting to get pissed!I'm staying up WAY past my bedtime reading this series! I'm tired and cranky and I still have another 4 books to devour and not enough time in the day!
This books shoud have a warning imo, like "addiction alert", i just coudn't stop reading it :D
All I can say is wow. I adore this series, it never fails to make me laugh out loud but also touches my heart. Im so glad we got to know Decebel more and OMG that ending!!! This series I would highly recommend!!
When I recieved my ARC, I was like and JOD is centered mainly in the love story between Jen and Decebel. Both feel that they are each others mate but there are no signs of it, no markings in the skin no hearing each other thoughts. They have to attend The Gathering or as Jen calls the "Meat Fest"...