JUST THE TIP: A server's guide with tips for bartenders, waiters and waitresses on how to make more money at your job by increasing and maximizing your gratuities
Turn $10 into hundreds more!What if your tips went from an average of 10-20% to 20-30% or more?How much more money would you make per week?What would that add up to in a full year?This kind of a job is unique in the sense that with a little effort and practice, you can essentially give yourself a...
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Turn $10 into hundreds more!What if your tips went from an average of 10-20% to 20-30% or more?How much more money would you make per week?What would that add up to in a full year?This kind of a job is unique in the sense that with a little effort and practice, you can essentially give yourself a salary raise without having to ask your boss!If you're a bartender or a server; that's your career, that's your vocation, so you need to treat it that way. I'm inviting you to start thinking of your career as a server in a more entrepreneurial fashion. If you look at this as a business instead of a job, you're going to see a lot of opportunities. There are rules and principles to follow for success, and these are what we're going to be offering you in this training manual.Being a bartender or server is similar to being a salesman - these are careers where, along with receiving a salary you're granted the opportunity to earn commission. While a salary is guaranteed income, it's usually much smaller. Good salesmen are keenly aware of how crucial commissions are to thriving in their business and, accordingly, thriving in their lives.Bartenders and servers are similar in a lot of ways because they both earn their livelihoods on performance based incentives or –TIPS–. The word TIPS is an acronym, which means "To Insure Prompt/Proper Service". Like the salesman who receives the commission only once he's made the sale, the bartender or server is not guaranteed the tip unless the customer is provided a good and timely service.Many skills need to be applied and combined to become a successful bartender/server. This type of career offers you an opportunity to develop your interpersonal skills and acquire talents that will allow you to have a mastery over a variety of situations and clientele.Having repeat customers is the goal for your “business”! In theory, you can double your business without adding a single new customer. Simply ensure that your current customers are so happy about doing “business” with you that they come in twice as often.Tip #4 talks about establishing rapport and growing a regular customer base.Tip #6 explains how people generally determine the tip size based on a percentage of the bill, so you’ll want that bill to be as large as possible. Here’s a part of that tip from the book:*** When suggesting or up-selling, always offer at least two choices and give a reason why you are suggesting those items. What this actually does is position your guest to choose between 2 additions to their order in place of the yes/no option.The following is an illustration of the techniques. In the first example, the server might say something like “Would you like any dessert this evening?” With this question, the guest’s choices are: “Yes I’d like dessert” or “No, I’ll pass.” Alternatively, the server could pose the dessert question with; “We have an amazing homemade apple pie baked fresh with 5 types of apples giving it a unique flavour, or you might want to try our award winning cheesecake made using a secret recipe of our chef’s grandmother. I promise it will be the best cheese cake you’ve ever tried!” In this example, you position the guest to choose between a yes and another yes. They could still say no, but that option was not part of the suggestion and so your success rate will increase. ***So in this training manual, you'll be given suggestions, tips, and tricks that can very quickly increase your tips when employed. Bottom line, being friendly, confident and efficient is what you should be working on. Beyond that, if you incorporate some of these well-researched tips and philosophies, you will maximize your potential earnings.Download today for bigger tips tomorrow!
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