by Jennifer Harlow
Definitely one of my favourite reads of the year. Loved it. Fantastic characters and great story writing. Reading such a ballsy heroine was a pleasure. She is confident, human and complex. Loved the whole superhero mythology the author created. Some of the mystery I cottoned onto early on, but it di...
More like a 4.5.This book is just SO MUCH FUN! The world building is original, even if the plot is a bit predictable. And it has a proper heroine, thank God.I totally recommend reading it!
Review to come. Book tour. LOVED IT. Cannot wait for book 2!In all honesty, I can't sum it up better than the blurb. I was so excited to see the invite to the tour and even more excited to land it. You see...I love super heroes. I love them flawed, I love them gritty, I love them shining and perfect...
This is the first book in the Galilee Falls Trilogy by Jennifer Harlow. I haven't read anything by Ms. Harlow before, but when I saw this was about Super Heroes, I decided to give this book a try. After all, Geek Girl here, and we do love our Super Heroes. :)The story opens with a prologue from th...
Loved it! I' forming a Jennifer Harlow Fan Club! Amazing new series with great wow first book. Full review coming soon go Cabin Goddess. Jennifer is in my top author to read in 2013. So far I 've five and I've read two books from two including Jennifer. Its self published So go grab your co...
I would've posted this review sooner but I had already written a review of this and saved it but then it magically disappeared on me so that's why it took me a while.Justice by Jennifer Harlow introduces us to a brilliant world full of superheroes (tights and everything), complex but interesting cha...
*Genre* *Rating* 4 full stars*Full Review Shortly*Need the second book now! This was a really amazing read with a pretty decent lead character. Definitely a series I want to continue reading!Published May 2013 by Devil on the Left Books