Justin Aclin began his writing career satirizing superheroes and pop culture mainstays for the popular comic strip "Twisted ToyFare Theatre," and made his comics writing debut with the original graphic novel "Hero House," illustrated by Mike Dimayuga and published by Arcana Comics. Justin's...
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Justin Aclin began his writing career satirizing superheroes and pop culture mainstays for the popular comic strip "Twisted ToyFare Theatre," and made his comics writing debut with the original graphic novel "Hero House," illustrated by Mike Dimayuga and published by Arcana Comics. Justin's comics work includes the creator-owned series "S.H.O.O.T. First," co-created with Nicolas Daniel Selma, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" graphic novels and an adaptation of the online game "Akaneiro: Demon Hunters," all for Dark Horse Comics. He lives in New York with his wife and daughters.
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