Invincible Iron Man #1: I loved it. Mostly for his AI Friday, but yes, loved, loved, loved this reboot of his series. It was fun, it had a lot of depth to it, and I could see myself keeping up with this series. Five stars. Angela: Queen of Hel #2: Continuing to love this series. Ang...
So apparently there are just going to be cliffhanger endings that shock the crap out of me. Over a decade of reading comics - not as graphic novels, but as they come out - surely has gotten me accustomed to this, right? Nope. I couldn't quite believe it. You think you've seen it all, you think...
I'm glad I pushed through the so-so story arcs, because this was a lot of fun! While Silver Surfer felt fairly true to his original character, there were some changes, explained by the fact that his origin story was slightly different, and in a way that made it impossible to write him as he was on...
Back in the day, CrossGen took on the herculean task of reinventing comics by publishing something other than standard superhero fare. Lead by the creative team of Barbara Kesel, Mark Waid and Ron Marz, CrossGen released comics based in science fiction, Victorian detective, and even samurai adventur...