This is my first Clive Cussler book and I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed this one. Lots of great action. If you love action adventure novels, give this one a try.
Driving up north from Florida, I listened to Clive Cussler’s latest book. As usual, it was a fast paced, exciting story designed to keep the reader involved even when the characters were in the most implausible situations. The back story begins at the turn of the 20th century, but most of the action...
Cóż, tym razem historia nie powala, nawet można powiedzieć że tytułowy szpieg to kopia zamachowca, bo ich kreacja jest w miarę podobna. Fabuła miejscami chaotyczna i dość naciągana. Myślałem że Bell zaraz wyciągnie Blackberry, a Van Dorn będzie w gabinecie siedział przy najnowszym Macu i z plazmą na...
Really good. I like the Isaac Bell books a lot.
In 2006, Otto Penzler released the anthology Murder at the Foul Line, with stories contributed by a Who's Who of crime fiction, including Michael Malone's winningly deadpan "White Trash Noir," about domestic violence from a former NCAA star that seemingly drives his wife to murder. It was nominated ...
Really good! ...although about 25% longer than it needed to be. I really like Issac Bell and his team. Some seem to see this series as just more Dirk/NUMA, but find it quite different. I love the history.
"[Eustace]" "'ve got some explaining to do." Oh heavens, who does NOT hear Ricky Ricardo to Lucy? :-) Sorry, it was just distracting. Cultural icon. Not sure why I didn't enjoy this one as much as I did all of the other Isaac Bell books. It was good, just not really good (IMHO). Maybe I s...
I think the Isaac Bell books are as good as any of Dirk's and better than most of the others.