Who Killed John F. Kennedy? is the first Lose Your Own Adventure from Justin Sewell and the gang at Despair, Inc. If you have absolutely no idea what a Choose Your Own Adventure novel is, then you either grew up in the wrong decade, or the wrong kind of school. They were a staple for me back in elem...
Lose Your Own Adventure? That's right! There's no winning this perfect parody and honest homage to the Choose Your Own Adventure franchise, and yet, losing has never been so much fun!Though Who Killed John F. Kennedy? has all the cynicism of a Despair.com product and the humor (pop culture reference...
The masterminds at Despair, Inc. were generous enough to get me an ARC of this book after I expressed interest in it. I have to admit, the JFK assassination has intrigued me, but I've never been one of those devoted to the case, picking up intricate details, etc. Therefore I was intrigued to find ou...
As the young son of Dallas's inept police chief, you take it upon yourself to solve JFK's murder. Can you?No, you cannot, for this a parody of the Choose Your Own Adventure books you read as a kid, put out by the sick bastards at Despair.Com, makers of such hilarity as the Demotivational posters, l...