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If you've read my post then you know that for the most part this book just wasn't happening for me, so (You are probably wondering) why did she give the book 3 stars? I didn't, I really only gave it 2.5 and that was mostly for the last 21% of the book where I started to like the characters and want ...
Loved this so much, Jamie is a bit of a dick but it works for him. Gavin is a bit lost and drifting through life. I feel like a lot more resolution needed to be had, and wasn't. But still was a great read. I hope there is more to come in the series.
Mitchell's got this weird, ersatz approach to romances: I call it Letting The Penises Work It Out. She makes it look so easy I sometimes wonder if it's cheating but then I remember it brought No Souvenirs into the world and how every other m/m book I've read since has been judged by that standard, ...
To review.
I was surprised by how much I loved this book, and in fact it may turn out to be one of my favorites of hers. I liked the other Baltimore books but found them utterly unmemorable. In fact, I remembered nothing about any of the characters, though their names were familiar. So it's definitely not nece...