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K Is for Killer - on shelves back

by Sue Grafton
PJ Madbint Unique Book Lover Book Haunt Reading Through The World Chew & Digest Books Wandering through fiction Beth's Books Hooked on Books Sally Ember, Ed.D. Buried In Print welshy72 Brainy Reads Book Professor Let's Get Lost in a Book Today... For the Love of Books Angel's Book Reviews 2.0 ....And Then The Fandoms Came Musings and Ramblings karenarrowood bibliophileforlife BookAmare the eBookWhore  ~*Krissys Bookshelf Reviews*~ Skulls and Coffee Jane's reviews JackieLoz Prinny jilrene reads Christy Herself fyrfli A little tea, a little chat New,Borrowed,Used The Book Devourer cat's corner 2manybooks2read Les Kathryn Lively, Reader Sassafrass Crime-on-thrill Spotted Ewe beleth GizmosReviews So Many Books...So Little Time! A Book Addict's Musings by Readinghearts Writing and Reading and Editing, O My! Judithe Books Are Like Drugs Obsession with Books Sarah (I like big books and I cannot lie) Carpe Librum Snowie All The Things Sock Poppet at Play
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