In fact, the Captain on Space Farers, and the reason that Farrah had to leave the show. He's still just as arrogant and petty as ever, except he's getting a star for all that. Despite all that. Farrah makes sure she has a chance to see him again, and then the thing inside her takes care of eve...
The thing inside middle-aged actress Farrah Durante is getting hungrier. And while she realizes something is wrong, and tries to reach out for help, well, help asks her if she's on drugs again. She's still trying to balance work and home life, but now she's got a literal monster living inside h...
Farrah Durante is a middle-aged actress who is struggling very badly. She was in at least one show, Space Farers, that seems to be a Star Trek equivalent. Told she's too old, without any hook, by her agent, she's at a loss. She's booking auditions - but not jobs. Until one day she walks in...