by Maris Black, J. F. Harding
Well that was fun and interesting and hot...did I mention HOT!!! Like holy hell!!! HOT!!! and then it kind of ended on a bit of a cliffy so thankfully I can just jump into the next audiobook...and then I might have the first two books of the Santori series to listen too...
FGMAMTC Blog KAGE #TopReads2015 Author & Character Interview + Excerpt Reveal from upcoming SSU Boys book DUAL THREATThis book picks up where book 1 left off. It wound me up inside their relationship just as much. The scene where they were all over each other in the store—that's how I feel about t...
This sequel was cheesy and unrealistic, jock Jamie seems to have morphed into a girly twink somewhere along the route. Still continuing on to book three however.P.S. Double mastectomy is not the recommended treatment for an early screen-detected breast cancer.
And even better the third time!! *** Even better the second time...this one is my absolute favorite of the three. GAAAAAHHHH!!! BL Reread with Nathan.***Wow. Wow. Wow. Once again blown away and thankful to have all three to read at one time. Unbelievable characters. See my spoiler free series r...
3, 5 stars
Review to come when I finish the seriesUhhhhhmm I may have an addiction myself!!! ->>>>>>> NEXT!!!
*** JUST LOVING THIS SERIES ***Well book one ended with'that' cliffhanger and thank goodness I could dive straight into this one.This book picks up straight after the shocking events at Jamie's house and sees Kage and Jamie estranged.In this one we get Kage's pov and it was great to finally get insi...