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The final book in the Loose ends series. I like Gabriel and Nicole as a couple and I always enjoy this author's writing. I wanted to see how their story ended so of course I had to read this. This was actually a nice, sexy, intense love story. But I didn't think think there was enough plot to sustai...
his review is based on an ARC received for an honest reviewSo you know how in figure skating the judges give out scores twice? Once for Technical accomplishment and once for artistic? Well, this is kinda how I ended up feeling when I was struggling with how to rate this book. And struggle I did.On T...
3 starsFull review coming soon.I was disappointed in this one. When I first came across this I was under the impression that this would be a romance read, but this was more under the erotica genre. But that wasn't really what disappointed me, the fact that there was a huge lack of romance. Are they ...
**Originally posted on Bookish Wanderlove.**Opening Lines“Justin Haas grabbed his jacket and his keys, checked his phone once more to see if his friend had gotten his calls, and then headed out the door. He was going to his standard watering hole a few blocks away, and he’d been sure Alyse would be ...