I really enjoyed the concept of Harken and thought that it was pretty unique. Harken kept me interested throughout; I couldn't put the book down at the end of a chapter and often could not predict what would happen next. I enjoyed all of the action-packed adventures and cannot wait for the next bo...
I liked the storyline, but there were some inconsistencies with how mature Bran is. one line, he'll be quite wise, and in the next, he'll be 14 again. There was still the fast-pace, which I ADORE. I loved every single character, and the "bad guys" were much better in this one. The Specters didn'...
Holy crap! This book is fantastic. I love it, so very much. There were some random capitalization of letters/words and maybe a few grammatical errors here and there (very very few). The story is told flawlessly. I loved the melodramatics of some of the characters. Sewey cracked me up. And Ros...
2.5/ 3 starsThis was a pleasant, but overly long middle-grade fantasy offering. Kaleb Nation wrote it as a teen, which is always quite an accomplishment, but I do believe that it could have really used some editing. The pacing is slow, with a plot that needed more elucidation. Characterization is a ...
A poorly written rip off of Harry Potter with more plot holes than Swiss cheese. I felt like I was reading an overly long essay from a middle school student. It was uncomfortable to read in spots and not very entertaining.This book is also reviewed on my blog Books: A true story