Completed Series Rating⭐️? stars⭐️
The eleventh volume of this manga, and while at times I am getting a bit bored, it was still interesting. This volume has many things. We have a new school year starting (Senior year, so you can all guess what that will mean, yep, either the manga will stop soon, or it will continue into college),...
OMG Yes, finally finally finally! Sorry, I am just so happy about an event that happened in this book that was hinted to so many times, I was already wondering when it would truly happen. Not going to say what kind of event, you will have to find out. :DThis volume was just 100% adorableness and per...
This volume begins with Chapter 5-8.That's all for now until I hit editing mode...Ta-ta Pretties!
A gorgeous volume of Say I Love You, however, I still miss Yamato x Mei. I am reading this series for them, and while I still like most of the other characters, I still wish there would be more Yamato and Mei. They are the main main characters and are on the cover, and I truly wish they would get mo...